Paper Mache Puppets, Part 1

We worked long and hard on our puppets in art club today. First, the kids did sketches of their ideas. Then we balled up some newspaper and used masking tape to attach it to sticks from the playground:
 Then we made ears and other features (also with newspaper and tape):
This kindergartener initially sketched a short-beaked bird, but decided to go with a more exaggerated beak once he started putting it all together:
Here are some kiddos working on building their puppets' heads:
After we made armatures out of newspaper and tape, we got out the paper mache. Here is a dog puppet with a couple layers of paper mache:
 And a stoic deer:
 And a happy panda bear:
 And a precious unicorn:
And a mythical dragon:
And a long-beaked bird:
Next week we'll paint them. I kind of can't wait.
P.S. Check out Ellen's super cool t-shirt!

Mosaic Madness

 Check out some of our torn paper creations! Here is a girl walking at night among the stars:
A cardinal on a tree branch on a sunny day:
Several students made mosaics with their name or initials: